Thursday, 25 March 2010

Japanese masking tapes

I found this link on sfgirlbybay's blog to this cute online store called happy tape selling Japanese masking tape. They look so freakin cute! I love that such simple things like masking tape can be made to look so pretty and funky and it saddens me that our masking tape is so bland and meh.

My brother is teaching English in Tokyo at the moment so I promptly sent him the link and said "pleeeeeeeeease!!!!"

Some of my favourites

Saturday, 6 March 2010

making lists

Wow, been a while. Sorry, I've been really busy with the shop recently and have been neglecting my blogs a lot. But this post has come about as a result of all the stuff I'm doing (or should be doing) for the shop.

I have always made lists, even lists of lists. In some way I think it gives me some vague feeling of organisation and control in my crazy, hectic life. But then I do find that I spend the time I should be actually actioning the list by writing more lists or just re-writing the same lists over and over...I'm sure there's a problem there somewhere under years of repression but for now I'm loving these to do lists I found on Etsy:

Very cool Octopus to do list by boygirlparty

Sweet "For the birds to do" to do list by notebooksetc

Love this Little Red Riding Hook list - available as PDF template - by Thompsondesigns

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