While me and Nick were on our road trip of the States I majorly got into fresh lemonade. It's not so much a big thing here but after watching someone make some fresh for me at Fenway Park, every so often I'll make a big jug of the stuff. It's so refreshing on a hot summer day like today.
So, start of with lots of fresh lemons, weird - I know!
I usually start with 2 and add more later if I want it stronger
I usually start with 2 and add more later if I want it stronger
and squeeze as much juice as possible into a jug
If, like me, you like pulp then you can just leave it as is, otherwise pass it through a sieve. Then add sugar - I usually start with about 2 dessertspoon-fulls but it depends on how many lemons and how much lemonade you're making. You can always add more later if it's too sour for your tastes.
Top up with water and stir lots until the sugar dissolves
Fill a glass with lots of ice
And enjoy!